Customer notice regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)
We’re continuously monitoring the health situation caused by the Coronavirus outbreak.
As a result, we’ve put in place new working procedures. These procedures aim to protect the health and wellbeing of our employees and customers whilst minimising service disruption.
We will continue to work and serve our customers as normal whilst adhering to current and future guidance from government.
Prior to each appointment, we are speaking to customers over the phone to ascertain the health conditions of occupants and whether they have coughs or temperature in order to make a decision on whether it is safe to attend the appointment.
When attending appointments, we are ensuring physical contact with customers is kept to an absolute minimum and where possible we will be wearing face masks and keeping a safe distance. We are regularly washing hands with hot water and soap and we are currently not using touch screen devices to obtain customer signatures.
We are ensuring our work spaces, vehicles and tools are being kept clean with regular cleaning using detergents and bleach to minimise the potential risk of spreading the virus.
We are stopping non-essential business travel and where possible we are undertaking external meetings by phone.
Our staff are under instructions to stay at home and self-isolate for a period of 14 days should they develop new continuous coughs and or high temperatures. If after 14 days, they are feeling better and no longer have a high temperature, we are allowing staff to return to work. If they have not had any signs of improvement after 14 days we are advising staff to seek medical advice by contacting NHS 111 online.
Please rest assured that we’re monitoring the situation daily and reviewing government and Public Health England guidelines. We’ll adapt our working procedures in line with any changes.
The NHS website has more information about how Coronavirus is spread and answers common questions about the virus.